Important Facts about School Sports Forms

Is your 7th-12th grade child going to play a school sport during the upcoming school year?  If so, they will need to have the most recent edition of the OHSAA sports clearance form completed prior to the first day of practice or tryouts.  For most fall sports, that deadline is in early August.

We can complete the sports form during your child’s regular annual physical exam.  It is very helpful to have this form completed (at least partially) prior to the checkup visit.  We will have the forms available in the office, but you can also download and print the form from here to have before the appointment.

OHSAA 2018-19

The most important health questions to have answered for the checkup are Questions 5 through 16, about heart health in the patient and family history.

We look forward to seeing you this summer and hope you ALL have a great school year this year!