We kindly request that you give our office a call or use the patient portal for any prescription refill requests you may have.
Our team is dedicated to providing outstanding patient care and ensuring that your medications are refilled within 3 business days. We understand the importance of timely and accurate prescription refills, which is why we urge you to contact us as soon as you are able.
Whether you need a refill for a chronic condition or a short-term medication, we are here to help. Our knowledgeable staff will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about your prescriptions. Thank you for choosing our office for your healthcare needs.
Refill Policy for Controlled Medications
Your child has been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. This is typically treated with a controlled medication. We ask you to call at least 72 hours prior to needing the medication refilled. Our physicians do rotate days in the office, and it is your primary physician who is responsible for writing the prescription.
Your child will need to follow up with the physician regularly to manage their medication. Your child will be expected to have visits with the doctor every three to six months in addition to or adjacent to your child’s well visit. All medication visits regardless of whether a well visit is done will require a copay if your insurance company requires one. You may have more frequent follow ups at the beginning of treatment to regulate the medication dosage. This is up to your physician. These appointments cannot be scheduled after 4 pm due to the length of the visit. To best serve your scheduling needs, please schedule these as much as three to six months in advance whenever possible. You may stop at the desk to schedule or visit us online at www.kidzdoc.com.
Additionally, some pharmacies are having issues with shortages. Please check with your pharmacy to ensure that your medication is in stock. If your pharmacy is experiencing a shortage, they may be able to transfer the prescription to another pharmacy who has the medication. Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to call and check with pharmacies and we do not know which pharmacy works with your individual plan. For this reason, you must obtain this information to have the prescription transferred. The pharmacy will let you know if they can transfer directly or whether a new prescription will be needed. Due to the number of duplicate or inactive medication requests we receive; Pediatric Associates Inc. cannot accept refill requests faxed by the pharmacy. Please request medication refills at the time of your appointment, through the patient portal or by selecting the refill option to leave a voicemail when calling our office.